About This Blog

"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't been invented, in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet."  -Karl Fisch, "Did You Know"

Thank you for visiting Pleasant Hill Elementary School's educational technology resource blog.  Starting in the 2013-2014 school year, we have begun integrating hand-held learning technology into our classrooms.  To be more specific, we now have more than 75 iPads in our building.  Four classrooms have a 2:1 student to iPad ratio, our music class has a set of 5 iPads, and we also have an additional 2:1 lab that can be checked out by teachers through our library.

Our goal at PHES is to increase student engagement and get our students prepared for those "jobs that don't yet exist" by integrating iPads into our daily lesson plans.  Several of the apps we use and activities we participate in can be just as useful at home.  This blog is meant to serve as a resource for parents and teachers alike who would like to use mobile technology to enhance their students' learning.  We hope you find this information helpful!

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